Photo Shoot in an Art Installation

I recently was introduced to artist Brian Reaume after seeing one of his beautiful installation pieces in the Por Vida gallery show which exhibited my Anatomist Corset in. What struck me about his work initially, was the way it smelled. As I walked into the installation enclosure, a warm scent of sandalwood and vanilla filled the air. It smelled like an old library, which to me is a wonderful thing. Looking around, suspended stacks of antique papers hovered and twisted like double helixes. Rich textures abounded with old textiles and worn wood covering all available surfaces. Edison bulbs swung gently offering a warm amber glow. In the back of the enclosure was a pair of tattered wings, also sculpted from paper, and a well worn chair sat empty with anticipation.
I loved the environment that Reaume crafted and thought there was a sympathetic spirit between the Anatomist Corset and his installation. I decided I had to try and talk him into letting Rob Manko and I shoot some fashion photography there. Happily, he graciously permitted us access to his work. Below are a few of the images which resulted from our efforts.
Photo – Rob Manko
Makeup and Hair – Erica Stewart
Models – Rachel Amnah, Anita Mwiruki, Sarah Kessler